Google Translation:

Easter Crossword

Easter is coming soon and we want to have fun with you again this year. Due to this situation, there will now be two events.
The first is a crossword puzzle that can been reached HERE.

Game Duration: Starts at 18:00 on 03/04/2020 and ends at 6:00 pm on 11/04/2020.

Game Description:
You must answer the 12 questions below the crossword puzzle and enter the answers in the order of the number of the question. Reading the letters in the colored squares from top to bottom, you get a riddle of the puzzle, which is a meaningful Hungarian word.

The reward is as follows:
Each correct decoder gets 2000 points + easter game icon next to its name.

Important information:
• All squares in the crossword are required!
• We do not capitalize the solution!
• The English alphabet version of the solution is also correct!
• You only have one chance to submit a solution, so make sure you write the solution correctly!
• Publishing the solution will result in exclusion!

Have fun and a happy Easter from Staff!

UI: We are waiting for all our users on our Discord server, there will be some smaller games.