Google Translation:

Spring Update

Due to the extraordinary situation, the end of month hit'n'run accounts have been suspended, so the torrents downloaded from now on are not counted in hit'n'run. These will be deleted later in the month, so you may temporarily disregard the Activity menu.

We would like to ask everyone to take advantage of this discount and do not abuse it, do not present your flour, yeast and oil series and porn stock for the next 100 years!

Think about those of you who are now working from home, studying, or just getting to one of the important milestones of their lives in May and preparing for graduation, but instead of spending time struggling with slow internet.

The suspension of hit'n'run settlement at the end of the month shall remain in effect until revoked.

The long awaited IMDb finder is ready for you to use.

Stay at home and look out for each other!