Dear Mice,

MyAnonamouse.Net loves to help you find all of your ebook, audiobook and music wishes, but at this time, we have hit a very difficult position with Paypal not releasing either of our accounts. (We're permanently banned from them) As you all know they've seized both our business account (seized in November) and our personal account (middle of january) at this time, from business account we won't get the money released, from the personal account maybe after 180 days.

This has eaten up all of our savings to the point where we can only cover the next months costs. We are asking for you to help us out to keep this site alive. Current total costs each month is about 700 with site server, seedboxes and direct download services so we can bring the best and latest material to you.
It is our last hope that you can find it in your heart to help out with whatever monetary donation you can make, or we may need to close the doors forever.

We understand that the current choices we have to offer may not be liked by all, but what to do?
We're trying to set up several others, but been waiting on getting verified and such so will have to return on this once we have more choices.

Current choices to support your beloved site with are:
MoneyBookers (Skrill)
Western Union Card/Bank transfer directly to us
Western Union pickup funds
International bank wires directly to us.

We would like to keep all information in PM's at the moment as we are very wary since the paypal closure and do not wish to lose any more accounts.

We know this is a hassle and do appreciate all your efforts, so for any donations we are giving you Triple Stats & VIP!!