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Thread: MoreThan.TV News

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    MoreThan.TV News

    Dear MTV,

    At least for those of us that live in the northern hemisphere spring time is nearly upon us and it's almost time for shows that went on hiatus to return. Get ready for "Rick and Morty", "Game of Thrones", "House of Cards" and others to provide you with hours of entertainment.

    But before you go all nostalgic on us when you realize another winter has passed and you're one year older, we have have some exciting news:

    Upload Bot and Metadata

    Work has recently begun on our autoupload/autocomplete bot, codenamed "Hydra". It's still in development but a few observant people might have noticed it's handywork. For the past couple of days, most of our torrents have include mediainfo and screenshots as well as correct tvshow metadata. We still need to work out the kinks but it's a much needed step in the right direction, as we're sure you'll all agree.

    Internal Release Group

    We're proud to announce that Vincent**** has been promoted to team leader of our internal release team. Vincent is a familiar face for most of you who have downloaded DRACULA WEB-DLs in the past, as he's been an active member of MTV for a long while. We're in the process of rebuilding our internal release team which takes time but keep in mind not even Rome was built in a day. We are confident we'll be able to provide users with the same quality releases they've come to expect from us going forward. Those of you that would like to play a part in choosing the new name for our internal group are welcome to vote in the featured poll.


    As March traditionaly marks the start of spring, we've thought it would be best to do some customary spring cleaning to weed out some of the less than active people and to make room for some fresh blood. The safest and most productive way to do so is to open recruitment threads on other trackers. We've had users vote on what trackers they want recruitment threads on in the past but the results were always pretty inconclusive due to the vast number of trackers out there and the close poll results. It's obvious we all want MTV to grow so for the time being we're going to open up a few more recruitment threads on a couple of other reputable trackers. We'll keep you updated as we work out recruitment deals with other trackers.
    If any of you feel they might want to recruit for us, send us a Staff PM with the tracker(s) you are active on and we'll let you know if we need your help.

    Torrent Database Cleaning

    As part of our spring cleaning initiative we're also going to remove a large number of dead torrents in the near future.
    Nothing should change for the end-user since we're pruning single episodes that have gone unseeded for months, we're just letting you know so there won't be any panic when it happens.

    Best regards,
    - MTV staff

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  1. 05-19-2017, 07:56 PM

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