It has come to our attention that for many users who use automation software like autodl-irssi and SickRage there have been SSL connection issues. This issue is not just specific to MoreThan.TV.

In the case of autodl-irssi just update it to the latest version which is community-v1.54 (2015-04-30) as described in the blog post linked below.

For Sickrage on Linux systems (also confirmed to work for CouchPotoato, and may work for other software), run the following commands found at :

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
wget -O - | sudo python2
sudo pip install -U cryptography ndg-httpsclient pyopenssl

If you would like to discuss this issue, please do so on the following blog post.

Blog Post:

Now for the good news, we now have a working provider script for CouchPotato that we will be releasing shortly.
