Google Translation:

FreeReg and FreeLeech!

Dear users,


Free registration is available until January 2, 2019


Freeleech until revocation. The page does not count the download. The seed commitment continues.


Upload Action!

Dear Users !!!

Our upload action continues, so you can get bonus points!

December 24, 2018, January 20, 2019!

The amount of bonus points you receive depends on the Action category and in some cases on the size.
Torrents uploaded in different categories can only be marked on the Action Days on specified days!
Bonus points are only for Torrents uploaded and accepted, and only if
you already have at least 3 downloaders for that torrent
the bonus credit is available if there are 3 downloaders, if it is crossed over to another day,
then a bonus point corresponding to that day will be credited!
Bonus points will be credited within 24 hours.

The minimum size is 150 MB.
Smaller torrents are not accepted in any category.
Series if the full season can only be packed in a pack.

When you upload the torrents, there is an ACTION option that needs to be checked, there is no possibility to postpone it!
The name of the torrent should NOT be written to Action !!! that is the system of the bats !!!

Categories and days:

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: Bonus Point: 5000
Animations / Films HUN-ENG, DVD-9 HUN-ENG, HUN-ENG, HD HUN-ENG, x264 / Xvid HUN-ENG, UHD HUN-ENG,
Series: Xvid / x264 / HD HUN-ENG

Friday-Saturday: Bonus Point: 3000
Game / ISO, Games / Consoles, Games / Rip,
PC / Rip, PC / Other PC / ISO,

Bonus point: 1500
E-book HUN-ENG, Mobil,
Music / Lossless, MP3 HUN-ENG, Audiobook HUN-ENG

We reserve the right to make changes!!
