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Major Representative Company Defends Kodi Saying ‘Blame the Infringers’
Kodi – A somewhat contentious subject
Kodi is a contentious subject. People, generally speaking, are either in two camps when it comes to the media player. It either enables mass piracy or it is misused for piracy and simply put, even us here at eTeknix are divided on this subject.
Personally, I fall into the former camp. I think that while Kodi may have a genuine and legitimate purpose as a media player, there are frankly, better and also free media players out there. That amount of downloads that Kodi receives does not tally to the ‘entirely legitimate’ gloss its defenders would attempt to give it. I do, however, agree that Kodi, in itself is a legitimate legal program, however, does enable piracy on a massive scale.
It was thought that the now temporary shutdown of a major repository might have affected matters. That, however, was quickly overcome. Within two weeks
A major company has however come to the defence of Kodi telling its critics, blame those who ‘infringe’ the law. A point which many will consider entirely fair. Even to a critic such as myself.
‘Blame the infringers’
In a report via the Independent, the Computer & Communications Industry Association has said that critics of the media player should blame and pursue those who use it illegally rather than the software itself.
While this in itself may not seen to remarkable, it should be noted that the CCIA does represent some major organisations including Netflix, Facebook and Amazon and are therefore, clearly, an informed opinion.
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