Mailbox notification
Please confirm that the registered mailbox is normal

In response to the account security protection measures (e-mail verification code) that will be activated in the future, please be sure to confirm that the registered mailbox is in normal use and that you have received the letter from this site. At that time, all accounts will be forced to be activated (the app authenticator can still be used, but you need to use it yourself

If the mailbox cannot be used, please contact the management team for replacement.
Those who use various auxiliary programs to log in will provide corresponding channels at that time, so there is no need to worry

// Update ! \\

Self-service mailbox change

Due to the large number of applicants, which exceeds the manual load, self-service changes will be launched later
Please change in console

In order to avoid abuse, members can change the mailbox for free, and then it will be billed by magic power

The application sent before will be ignored, and please do not submit an application for changing the mailbox to the management mailbox, thank you!