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Post By jimmy7
M-Net wants ISPs to block piracy websites
M-Net, SAFACT, and film producers want ISPs to send warnings to copyright infringers and block piracy websites in South Africa.
The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has been presenting its responses to submissions received on the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill, and a comment submitted by M-Net, SAFACT, and the Film Producers Association implored the government to fight online piracy.
M-Net proposed that new measures should be introduced which allow ISPs to block piracy websites and issue warnings to users involved in file sharing.
It is suggested that South Africa should consider adopting technology-neutral no fault enforcement legislation that would enable intermediaries to take action against online infringements, stated the comment.
The parties also said that ISPs should be obligated to cooperate with rights-holders and the government to combat illegal file sharing.
The department responded by stating the Cybersecurity Bill does not deal with copyright infringement and that the comments were better suited for the Copyright Amendment Bill.
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