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Post By CappyTempo
Dear iNSANE blood vessels!
Our usual Santa Claus game has started. This year we have improved a few things and can already be played on v2! In v2, with a hairline, you can find easier and much more information (and, of course, more beautiful) than in v1. The game has its own topic in the forum, it is worthwhile to inquire and discuss things (preferably in the normal way).
Tomorrow (December 6th), the Santa Claus will arrive in iNSANE Radio. Anyone who is writing a verse can also receive a separate prize! For details, please visit the radio / chat page (find the main menu)
You can still bet for the 60,000th betting game where you will find among the participants an iNSANE T-shirt and an iNSANE mug! More details in the previous news.
We still have our advent play on the radio side (v2 only!). Look in and win every day! Tonight there is an extra prize for good deceivers!
The iNSANE lottery game started on v2 too! From this week on HnR you can bet on v1 and v2 too! The game is available at the top of the main menu, v1 and left above.
We wish everyone a pleasant stay and a lot of prizes!
Staff + Wireless Team
@Amresh Check before posting to the news
@Amresh, you keep posting news that's already posted by other users. Be very careful in the future.
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