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Post By CappyTempo
Dear users!
We would like to inform you that the requests menu is under constant review and deletion. There are many irregular requests. Both old and new requests (unsuccessful) have been deleted. You can enter your requests again by checking the following conditions !!
Torrent request policy:
- It is prohibited to request content that is included in the policy / forum for illegal uploads.
- Do not request the material on the page (if the torrent is not dead 0/0) - search active + inactive
- Please check the requested torrent before request if you can not find it again but recommend it to the existing one!
- Do not ask for something that does not even mean!
What should be mandatory for a request:
- Exact title (English to Hungarian, if known) and category, description in Hungarian, format
- Verifiable link, if there is no verification link for that content, then an exact description (year, version number, etc.)
- For HD requests, 720p / 1080p / 720i / 1080i / BD25 / BD50 is mandatory
- other info (optional)
If you find a request that violates any of the above rules, the request will be canceled without question.
After the deletion, the bonus points placed will be automatically returned to you.
Continuously, wrongly made requests, warning!
ΜBit Staff !!
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