Bliv en Working Dawg

En varm velkomst til alle de nye vovser...

Vi har besluttet at åbne muligheden for, at man kan blive aktiv i en af sidens grupper.

Man kan blive subber hos

Her kræves gode sprogkundskaber, god humor
og gerne glæde ved film og serier.

Man kan hjælpe med retailtekster,
tilpasning og upload hos

Man kan kontakte os, hvis man har andre talenter,
som kan bruges her på siden...
photoshop, encode, uploader,

Naturligvis får man goder
for sin arbejdsindsats.

Join Working Dawg

A warm welcome to all the new doggies ... We have decided to open the possibility that one can be active in one of the page groups. You can be Subber at RELEASED or Enigma This requires good language skills, good humor and would delight in films and series. You can help retail texts, adaptation and upload at Dawgs & DAWGSSERiER You can contact us if you have other talents, which can be used here on the side ... photoshop, encode, upload, CONTACT HER Of course you get benefits for its performance.