2017-08-17 - Se lanseaza versiunea offline torrentsmd cu care puteti naviga prin toate torrentele siteului fara a avea nevoie de a intra pe site. Pentru ca torrentele de pe site reprezinta o contributie a tuturor utilizatorilor siteului care le-a incarcat si care le seedeaza, este necesar ca toti sa poata avea o copie de rezerva in caz ca siteul devine inaccesibil pentru oricare motiv. (infohash 5257062aa50e95ea2697ed0522ddf1908cebaa72)

Google Translation:

2017-08-17 - It launches the torrentsmd offline version with which you can navigate through all of the site's torrents without having to enter the site. Because the torrents on the site are a contribution from all users of the site that uploaded and sees them, it is necessary for everyone to have a backup if the site becomes inaccessible for any reason. (Infohash 5257062aa50e95ea2697ed0522ddf1908cebaa72)