A change in the account number
On behalf of the board, would like to inform all of you, since February 28, 2014, forum and tracker account will be separated. That is:

Tracker account using email, private passwords, passwords can be changed, not email. Still only issue tracker account register via mail system offers.
Forum account using email, private passwords, password and email can change your User Control Panel Forum. Currently it will remain the same with the tracker until you change. Registration will remain open free forum account.
Change the password tracker / forum is separate, and not change the password tracker forum switch sides again.
When you log into the tracker, will no longer automatically logged another forum account. Similar to the opposite case from forum -> tracker.
Therefore, all activities in the forum as thanks for assistance, complaints, please indicate your tracker account if you use another username tracker account.
In addition, a separate account at your party will have more entries tracker Session, Log out all, to assist you in case you forget to log out at first strange machine. Administrators also troubleshoot cookie ago.

Thank you for helping coder enthusiasm for the bug tracker to overcome this long backlog.