HDtime开站也一周有余,现逐渐步入正轨。但发现有些会员无视PT站点的基本规则,现发现一部分会员注 册马甲,这是无法容忍的行为。经管理组成员一致讨论认定,给与这部分会员一次机会,只要在本周日(含)前, 会员报备出自己主号及马甲号(跟帖 马甲报备帖 说明或PM HDT or PM guomei0f2),管理组删除马甲号,既往不咎;否则连同主号一起BAN甚至封禁IP。后续再注册马甲 的会员,连同主号一起BAN并封禁IP


HDtime open station is also more than a week, is now gradually on the right track. But found that some members of ignoring the basic rules of PT site, now find some Member vest, which is intolerable behavior. By the Management Group members agreed to discuss finds an opportunity to give this part of the membership, as long as this Sunday (inclusive) before filing their own membership number and vest main number (thread posts vest filing instructions or PM HDT or PM guomei0f2 ), remove the vest management group number, let bygones be bygones; otherwise, together with the main number BAN together even banned IP. Subsequent re-registration vest member, together with the main number BAN together and banned IP.

关于发帖的相关规定都有在公告里说明,以后发贴格式请严格按照公告里第六条执行。现站点里已有资源发帖格式 不正确的,请发帖人自行编辑或PM管理组成员帮忙编辑。以后若发布资源的格式不符合要求,资源可能被禁止甚 至在没有通知的情况下被删除。


Posted on the relevant provisions have described in the bulletin after bulletin posts format in strict accordance with the implementation of Article VI. Now the site has resources posted in an incorrect format, please edit or PM Posted own management team members to help edit. After the release of resources if the format does not meet the requirements, resources may be prohibited even in the absence of notice is removed.