2014.01.30 - HDSky春节开放限时邀请!

农历马年即将到来,HDSky全体管理组成员祝各位HDSkyer们马年工作顺利、身体健康、阖家幸福、马 到成功!

管理组决定于2014年1月31日0时至2014年2月28日23时59分59秒限时开放邀请级别(use r级别及以上可以发布邀请,此前是vip及以上可以发布邀请),若被邀请者在3月1日前达到上传量下载量都 在30G以上,奖励邀请人100G上传量或下载量及10000魔力值,若在正月十五前达到此标准,奖励加倍 (论坛聊天室有专贴,请各位移步过去发布截图,3月1日统一颁发奖励)!

希望HDSkyer们珍惜机会,希望PTer们互相支持,让更多的朋友了解HDSky、感受HDSky和谐 美满的氛围!


PS,马上会有拜年红包(每位用户2014魔力值),更有各种活动,奖励多多、趣味多多,欢迎大家 参与!

------HDSky Staffs------

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2014.01.30 - HDSky limited open invitation to Spring !

The upcoming Lunar New Year of the Horse , HDSky all management team members who wish you HDSkyer Horse work , good health , and happiness and success !

Management group decided at 0:00 on January 31, 2014 to at 23:59:59 on February 28th, 2014 open invitation to limit level (user level and above can publish the invitation , had a vip and above can publish the invitation ) , if they invitees on March 1 reached the amount of downloads are uploading more than 30G , 100G reward invite people to upload or download volume and the amount of 10000 Mana , if the fifteenth day before reaching this standard, reward doubled ( forum chat rooms have special stickers , please venue in the past released screenshots, March 1 has presented awards ) !

I hope HDSkyer who cherish the opportunity and hope PTer who support each other , so that more friends to understand HDSky, feel HDSky harmonious and happy atmosphere !

Pro , we have been trying , let us build the garden belonging PTer own definition of it !

PS, soon there will be New Year red envelopes ( 2014 Mana per user ) , more variety of activities , awards a lot , a lot of fun , welcome to participate !

------ HDSky Staffs ------