2013.11.10 - 关于限时开放自由注册的通知
在双11即将到来之际,HDSky管理组在此向各位GG们、MM们、乡亲们致以最真诚的问候!在你们被手机 、邮箱里无数促销广告轰炸得眩晕时,请来小站喝杯茶,下载并观赏一部热门或经典电影,相信一定能给您带来另 一番感受!
故此,管理组决定即刻起至13日11:11开放自由注册,注册人数达到预期目标后站点将自动关闭自由注册! 期间进站新用户在聊天室发表入站感言(字数不低于100字)经管理人员确认后将获得11111魔力值奖励! 还等什么,赶快告诉你身边的小伙伴这个好消息!特别声明:请不要有侥幸心理,一旦发现注册马甲将与主号一同 封禁,此类封禁不接受申诉!

2013.11.10 - free registration on open during limited hours notice
***** In dual 11 dawn, HDSky management group GG are in this to you, MM are, folks extend my most sincere greetings! In your cell-phone, mail bombing countless promotional ads have vertigo, invited station cup of tea, hot or download and watch a classic movie, I believe that you can bring another round of feelings!
***** Therefore, management group decided until at 11:11 on the 13th instant open and free registration, the registration number to achieve the desired target site will automatically shut down free registration! During the pit stop new users in the chat room inbound published reflections (words no less than 100 words) will be recognized by the management staff to obtain 11111 Mana rewards! So what, quickly tell your side of the small partner the good news! Special Note: Please do not have luck, once found registered vest banned together with the main number, do not accept such a ban appeal!
***** BTW, snapping at risk, dual 11 need to be cautious! I wish you happy!