最近很多HDSkyer反映免费种子计算下载量问题,维护人员已找到原因并修复。经过多次测试确认免费代码 已经恢复正常,特此公告。之前给各位HDSkyer造成了不少困扰,对此管理组表示深深的歉意,同时要感谢 各位对我们一如既往的理解和支持!
请账号无故被计算流量被警告的HDSkyer于27日之前(逾期视为自动放弃)点击这里告诉我们,及时帮您 处理,谢谢!

Free codes have been restored to normal.
Recently, a lot of HDSkyer reflect free seeds calculation of downloads number of questions, the maintenance personnel had to find the cause and repair. After a number of tests have confirmed free code has been restored to normal, this Bulletin. Prior to the HDSkyer caused a lot of bother, the management of the Group expressed its deep regret at the same time, thanks to all of us to understand and support!
Please account for no reason be calculated flows were warned of HDSkyer on 27 before (over a period deemed to be automatically waived) Click here to tell us, and when you're dealing with, Thank you!
PS: please, do not repeat to management, mail a letter, okay? Please be patient, we'll handle it.

HDSky Management group