
至11月11日晚12时,本次开放注册落下帷幕。为庆祝这次开放注册取得圆满成功及热烈欢迎新同学,我们决 定从11月12日晚12点起,至17日晚12点止,全站free5天,童鞋们,尽情的狂欢吧!


Notice the station free

Until November 11 evening 12:00, this open enrollment concluded. To celebrate the success of the open enrollment and a warm welcome to the new students, we decided from the evening of November 12 from 12:00 to 12:00 the evening of 17 dead, the station free5 days, children's shoes, enjoy the party!
11.11 After no loneliness, joy in the continuation, HDSky make you high to the apex!