
从五月揭幕,到八月收官,2014年的内地暑期档,四十部中外大片轮番登场国内,想必你已经在电影院陶醉于 光怪陆离的电影世界!而且,暑期大片蓝光碟在十月密集发布!在观影的同时,是不是也有很多话想说,是不是也 想对这些影片品头论足一番,是不是也想找到志同道合的朋友呢?
为了让HDSky会员更好的对今年的暑期大片进行品读、促进交流,也为了给大家提供更加详实的观影指南与建 议,影视交流区隆重推出“暑期大片面面评”有奖征文活动。令人应接不暇的中外影片必然能够让大家有诸多的感 慨与想法想要发表,敬请参与本次活动,赢取奖励!

1. 10000魔力值。
2. 邀请2枚
二等奖:2 名
1. 5000魔力值。
2. 邀请1枚
1. 2000魔力值。

2.参赛作品必须与指定电影(见活动电影)相关,体裁不限,评论、随笔均可,每篇文章字数不少于5 00字;
3.参赛作品必须为原创作品,转载和抄袭的文章一经发现立即取消作者参赛资格并扣除魔力值1000 分;
4.禁止参赛主题与回复涉及任何色情、反动、损害国家利益的内容,禁止发布盈利性网站论坛广告等内容,一经 发现,立刻封ID;
5.禁止在参赛板块与主题内恶意刷屏,禁止发布空帖,重复帖,严禁灌水,一经发现,立刻扣除100 魔力值。

[贺岁大片面面评]《变形金刚4》——屌炸天的视觉特效 弱爆的剧情

《超凡蜘蛛侠2》、《X战警:逆转未来》、《沉睡魔咒》、《明日边缘》、《驯龙高手2》、《哥斯拉》、《变 形金刚4:绝迹重生》、《猩球黎明》、《超体》、《银河护卫队》、《忍者神龟》、《记忆传授人》、《敢死队 3》、《人类清除计划2》、《龙虎少年队2》、《邻居大战》、《星运里的错》、《飞机总动员2》、《宙斯之 子:赫拉克勒斯》、《像男人一样思考2》、《警察游戏 》

《归来》、《分手大师》、窃听风云3》、《京城81号》、《小时代3》、《后会无期》、《白发魔女传之明月 天国》、《绣春刀》、《四大名捕大结局》、《反贪风暴》、《临时同居》、《闺蜜》




2.参赛作品评奖日期:2014年11月1日——2014年11月10日,请会员在此时间内对参赛作品进行 投票;


[Events] "2014 Summer Blockbuster'' things to Comment on awards event

From May opening, to wrap up in August, 2014 Mainland summer profile, forty domestic and foreign blockbusters turns the stage, presumably you have in the cinema to revel in the bizarre world of film! Moreover, the summer blockbuster Blu-ray release in October intensive! In viewing the same time, is not much to say, is not also want to give lessons some of these films, is not also want to find like-minded friends?
To make HDSky members to better carry out this year's summer blockbuster reading materials, to promote exchanges, and to give us to provide more detailed viewing guide with suggestions, film exchange area introduces a "summer blockbuster things to Comment on" prize essay activities. Chinese and foreign films inevitably overwhelmed so that everyone can have a lot of feelings and thoughts to post, please participate in this event, winning awards!

A prize set
First prize: a
1.10000 magic value.
2 invite 2
Second Prize: 2
1.5000 magic value.
2 invite a
Third Prize: 3
1.2000 magic value.
Entry Prize: Unlimited
Prizes: Those who participate in activities, and meet the requirements of both reward 500 magic value.

Second, participating Notice
1 to participate in this event must create posts in the "Television exchange zone" section, each member participating largest number of five posts;
2 Entries must be specified movie (see activity movies) related genre limitation, reviews, essays can be, no less than 500 words each article of words;
3 Entries must be original works, reproduced and copied articles canceled immediately upon discovery of the magic of qualifying and deduct the value of 1000 points;
4 topics and reply to prohibit competition involved in any pornographic, reactionary, harm the national interests of the content, prohibits the publication of profitable website forum advertising and other content, once discovered, immediately seal ID;
5 banned in competition with the theme of the malicious scraper plate, prohibits the publication of empty posts, duplicate posts, non-irrigation, once discovered, immediately deduct 100 magic value.

Three, posting format
1 participate in the activities of posts must be published in the "video exchange zone" version, released null and void in the other forum posts;
2 posts must participate in the activities for the new post, reply, the thread of the article will be invalid;
3 must indicate the post title before taking part in the activities of [summer blockbuster things to comment], followed by the title of the article, examples are as follows:
[New Year blockbuster things to comment] "Transformers 4" - Cock fried days visual effects weak burst of plot

Fourth, activity videos
North American summer blockbuster:
"Amazing Spider-Man 2", "X-Men: reversal of the future", "sleeping curse," "Tomorrow Edge," "How to Train Your Dragon 2," "Godzilla," "Transformers 4: extinct rebirth" "Planet of the Apes dawn "," super body "," Galaxy guard, "" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, "" memory teach people "," death squads 3 "," human Clear plan 2 "," Jump Street 2 "," neighbor wars, "" Star Games in the wrong "," airplane Story 2, "" son of Zeus: Hercules, "" think like a man 2 "," police game "

Chinese summer blockbuster:
"Return", "break up guru" Overheard 3 "," Beijing No. 81, "" small age 3, "" will have no period "," The Bride With White Hair moon heaven "," Xiu Chun knife "," four Daming catch finale "," anti-corruption storm "," temporary cohabitation "," girlfriends "

May 2014 - August release of the film.

Note: Participation in the activities of each article, please comment on the above, optionally a movie.

V. Selection
The event based on the principle of fairness and justice, the use of voting members in the form of the selection ranking;

Six, activity time
1 entries Date: October 13, 2014 --2,014 on October 31
2 entries awards Date: November 1, 2014 --2,014 year November 10, please members during this time of the entries vote;
3 winning entries published: November 11, 2014 announced the winners list and an award.