2014.08.28 - 重要通知
据相关站点通知,迅雷各个新版本都已经开始支持加密链接,可能导致账号passkey泄露、引起账号数据异 常等状况。为了会员利益和站点安全起见,请各位会员立即禁用ut等客户端的DHT功能;感到数据异常的用户 ,请立即更改点我





2014.08.28 - Important Notice
According to the relevant site notice, each new version of the Thunder have already begun to support encrypted link, may result in account passkey leak, causing abnormal conditions such as account data. To members' interests and site security purposes, please immediately disable ut and other members of the client's DHT function; feel abnormal user data, change the point I immediately

Another: Do not use the ut identified as FAKE client

Where ignore the notices, knowingly membership and account, once discovered, immediately banned and permanent ban IP! I would urge members of attention!

The above

HDSky Management Group