
为应明月之情,特在活动区开展了“晒月亮 送祝福”的小活动,拿出手机拍个照片,既可以纪念今年的圆月中秋,又可以在城市中领到一笔“收入”,积极参 与吧!
Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, I wish the general public urban high definition HappyMid-Autumn Festival!

To be the moon of love, especially in the area to carry out activities "sun moon to send blessings," the little activity, took out his mobile photo shoot, either commemorate this year's Mid-Autumn Festival moon, but also in the city received an "income" and actively participate in it!
Send blessings also have a reward oh ~ ~ ~
As for the other events, ah, there will be da!

Time: 2013.9.16 to 2013.9.21 midnight

√ Event Rules:

Activity One: photos drying out the Mid-Autumn Festival moon night

Activity 2: welcome to the thread once again, best wishes for friends and family! While welcoming everyone in your HDcity followed by greetings, I wish you Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

√ Activity Award:

Each original "moon" according to the magic of award given to 500, reproduced invalid.Excellent photos will receive additional rewards.

Each greetings to give 100 magic awards are not cumulative.

All actors must be involved in the posts within the station ID in order to stay within an award ^ ^