目前发现较多有提问H&R提醒或者获得H&R的,这个功能目前处于后台运行中,但对于用户而言并没有影响, 无论你获得多少H&R,甚至无视H&R,都不会封禁,如果不想收到提醒,可以在控制面板,个人设置里进行关 闭。

虽然H&R对于用户没有影响,但还是希望保持良好做种习惯,为后续下载者提高下载体验,他人下载爽了,你上 传同样爽,大家互惠互利。


For now, our H&R system is still testing, so don't worry about how many H&R you got during this period since your account will not be disabled because of that. If you don't wanna receive those notice, you can come over here to turn off the H&R pm.
Although the H&R system is p testing, but still, we encourage you to seed your torrents as long as you can to enhance the experience of other member in HDChina.

Happy autumn!!
From the staff of HDChina