为了促进魔力值消费和给会员更好的体验,现提供会员使用魔力值购买种子促销的方案。当用户遇到某些种子欲下 载却苦于速度不佳或者担心分享率的情况,可以通过消耗魔力的方式置顶种子或(和)给予种子促销 。

1:每次最多放置3个非官方种在置顶位置(且做种人数低于10人),如果是只购买种子促销但不购买置顶则不 受约束。
2 :购买置顶会附送相同时间的free/免费。若置顶大于6个月且做种人数少于5人的种子,置顶购买价格减半。
3 :种子申请置顶的要求(其中之一满足即可):

a 外国PT站作品
b 非国内其他站官方组作品(不能置顶,但可以自己购买相应促销让其他会员加速)
c 个人原创

4:有意愿后请跟帖回复欲加速的种子链接,置顶天数(0 — ∞),优惠类型及天数(ps:管理组有权决定是否给予促销或者置顶)。

种子链接 :
优惠类型及天数:50% (2天)

置顶:3000/小时 60000/天
2xfree: 500/小时 10000/天
2x&50%: 400/小时 8000/天
free: 300/小时 6000/天
30%或者2x: 200/小时 4000/天
50%: 100/小时 200/天


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In order to increase bonus point consumption and to provide a better experience for users we now provide a TEST-PLAN for every user to increase the visibility/popularity of certain torrents. When users want certain torrents and they’re hard to download because of bad speed or because the user has a low buffer, you can place these torrents at the top and/or give them torrent promotion.

PS:Click here to understand torrent promotion rules.

detailed Rules:

1: A maximum of 3 unofficial torrents seeded by less than 10 people can be placed at the top and given torrent promotion.

2:Top-set-torrents will be set the same time of free. Only when the torrent is older than 6 months and seeded by less than 5 people, the cost will be cut in half.

3: requirement for top-set-torrent:

a release from foreign trackers
b no official-release in other trackers of Chinese
c original release

4: Please post the torrent link you want to promote, amount of top days and/or which torrent promotion. Promotion can last anywhere from 0 days to ∞ days if you have enough bonus points. (PS: Staff reserves the right to decide whether a torrent gets top and/or promotion).

Sample format (If you ignore format,I chose to ignore replies :

Torrent link:
Top days: 0 days
Type and number of days: 50% (2days)

5: The cost of bonus points per promotion type

Top: 3000/ hour 60000/day
2xfree:500/ hour 10000/day
2x&50%: 400/ hour 8000/day
Free:300/ hour 6000/day
30% or 2x:200/hour 4000/day
50%:100/hour 200/day

Of course after reading this you might feel overwhelmed but we are currently looking for people to develop the program so that it will be a simple one-click system and a user-friendly experience.