HDArea for the whole station users share resources to recruit eager to publish any user pressing member (Encoder)
Encoder management is one of the group members can participate in the daily management of HDArea discussion.
During his tenure there is a corresponding wage (magic value) and other incentives based on work.

Pressing requirements:

Desktop i5 or more, notebook i7, download 500 Kb / s, upload 100 Kb / s

Three minutes on sign up ..

Registration form:

Computer Configuration:
online time:
Is there a pressing Experience:

Make people want to join the above format Contact


Basic Requirement:

Desktop i5 or above,Laptop i7 or above,Minimum Download 500 Kb/s,upload speed 100 Kb/s

Apply form:

Computer configuration:
Hours Spend online:
Does have an experience with encode:

Click me to apply