
本次维护主要增加了IPV6与SSL支持,为网站更换了更好的访问速度更快的节点,增加了CDN加速,还有 众多的网站BUG!

本次将全站免费七天,至开放邀请结束,邀请价格也由10000魔力降低至5000魔力,欢迎更多的优质会员 进来!


Website maintenance is complete! All stations open 7 days free mode, open invitation to register April 5

The major increase in maintenance and SSL support IPV6, the replacement for the site better and faster access node, an increase of CDN acceleration, there are numerous sites BUG!
Thank the many members support all the way, you know that we have more power!

The whole station will free seven days, until the end of the open invitation to invite the price is reduced from 10,000 to 5,000 magic magic, welcome more members come in high quality!
Perhaps many members want to open enrollment, but contrary to our growth strategy, we will move forward step by step, and stable.

HDArea Management Group
While long-term recruiting talented people are welcome to join us! HDArea have you better! ! !