First, I wish you good luck Zhanyou Horse, immediately all wishes come true.
HD4FANS from station to open in January is now full, our goal is to create a spirit of sharing HD with garden lovers. To this end we have developed the first member of the assessment rules, the assessment is not an end, just to put some soy sauce assessment, vest, sightseeing, vampire and other acts, the latter will assess if there is a similar standard.
New Year's Day (January 31, 2014) we completed before January 4, 2014 registered users cleanup assessment results, and assessment of qualified users issued three invitations while issuing the invitation down to user permissions level.
Taking into account the many free now, we are entering the post-users will no longer presented the initial upload capacity. New registered users log on the site and be sure to promptly produce a certain flow, otherwise the account will be disabled after some time.