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Post By Rhialto
HD-Torrents News
22/09/2017 23:40
TehConnection - 2017-09-22: As everyone else around,we have been made aware of issues regarding to another private tracker called tehconnection.eu.
It has come to our attention that some( or all?) of their servers have been seized by authorites.
Whatever message you get while there,please ignore those as they seem to be very "cryptic".
Our own info suggests those are constructed after the seizure itself.
Message on TehConnection makes a reference to ; "prominent private movie tracker" having threatened their sysadmin...
Needless to say,this was no one from HDT.
We condemned anyone who would conduct themselfs this way as we find it unhelpful and counter-productive in any way.
We wish TehConnection all the best with hope everything will come back to normal.
Be very careful of seeding any files there or making any donations time being.
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