Google Translation:

Important changes to the general upload rules

Encode (Blurayrip) 720p / 1080p (i) / 2160p (X264 / X265)
from 01/10/2019

In order to reduce the number of similar encodes on the site here is what will be allowed and not included as a duplicate for the same movie and or series.
1 encode from one of our internal team.
1 encode of an external p2p team.
1 encode of a team scene.

Encode (mHD) 1080p (i) (X264 / X265)
from 01/10/2019

Only the team validated by the staff remains authorized to upload mHD on HD-F
In order to reduce the number of similar encodes on the site here is what will be allowed and not included as a duplicate for the same movie and or series.
1 encode from one of our internal team. (XSHD or SEL)
1 code from one of the external team. (Xantar or PuNiSHeR03 or HLX or PATOMIEL)