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Post By whiteLight
HBO hackers leak script and spoilers of Game of Thrones Season Finale
Who doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen in Game of Thrones (GoT) Season 7’s upcoming episode? And, when it’s The Finale of GoT season 7, viewers would definitely be glued to their screens. But there are some who want to know the story before everyone does, that is, when the episode officially airs and we have got plenty of cyber criminals who would like to fulfill this wish of GoT fans.
This month has been really tough for HBO because the insanely popular series Game of Thrones’ season 7 has been the victim of several hacks and leaks. Previously, on 1st August, hackers managed to steal about 1.5 TB of data from HBO servers.
Now just a day is left when the finale will hit our television screens and HBO hackers have already sent the plot outline of GoT’s 80-minute long finale episode to mainstream publications such as The Independent and Mashable, etc., along with releasing it on the deep web. The publications didn’t publish the script of The Dragon and the Wolf, the title of the finale of GoT.
Reportedly, the plot outlined is pretty detailed, about 20 pages long. According to The Independent, hackers using the moniker Mr. Smith sent the detailed script and a shorter summary of the episode.
A user of Reddit, however, has shared the complete script of the finale. A Redditor broke the news to The Independent saying that: “The hacker put up his email on his website, so I emailed him back then now he sent me a complete overview of episode 7 (sic).”
Mr. Smith hackers are demanding $6.5 million Bitcoin as a ransom for not releasing the finale script online while the group has already released it on the deep web. The hackers also claim, reported Mashable, that they have sold the stolen information to three customers for a high price.
Mashable reports that when they contacted HBO to get their comments regarding the hacking of the finale episode, they only got the same reply which the network had already issued: “The hacker may continue to drop bits and pieces of stolen information in an attempt to generate media attention. That’s a game we’re not going to participate in.”
Hackers have already leaked unreleased episodes of a number of HBO shows such as Ballers and Room 104 apart from Game of Thrones hackers also stole and released contact information of GoT cast and they demanded ransom in Bitcoin from HBO for not releasing the stolen scripts online.
On August 17, a hacker using the alias OurMine hacked social media handled of HBO. Similarly, GoT’s 4th episode was leaked in India about 2 days before its official telecast date while HBO Nordic aired 6th episode by mistake instead of 5th in Spain.
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