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Post By jimmy7
Google rejects Android torrent app update at Google Play Store
There are many BitTorrent apps available on Android platform. Unlike Apple, Google Play Store never had a problem with any of them. However, it seems like the scenario is going to change shortly.
An update to the torrent app BiglyBT was turned down in the Google Play Store as it contained the word BitTorrent in the description. Interestingly, the client was originally approved to be listed in the Play Store with the same text being used. The developer of the app received a message from the company explaining the reason for the rejection now. Apparently, it violates one of Google's new policies.
"Hi developers at Bigly Software, thanks for submitting BliglyBT Torrent Downloader & Remote Control to Google Play. I reviewed your app and had to reject it because it violates out metadata policy. The apps' full description mentions other brands: BitTorrent," read the message sent to the developer.
Currently, it is not known whether the message was automated or it was sent by a Google employee. In any case, the update to the app was accepted after the developer replaced the word BitTorrent with torrent.
You may think that BitTorrent Inc., which is the real owner of the BitTorrent trademark in the US, has requested Google to block apps that use its name. However, it is not what happened. According to TorrentFreak, BitTorrent Inc., has confirmed that it had not made any such request. This means, this decision was made solely by Google.
As the aforementioned message said, the new policy of Google Play Store, may apply to rest of apps using the BitTorrent protocol. So having this word in the description could result in blocking new updates, though it doesn't seem to be the case currently.
There are several other apps present in the Google Play Store that are not developed by BitTorrent Inc but have the word BitTorrent in their description. It is worth mentioning that they have not faced the similar fate as BiglyBT.
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