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Post By Tulim
Post By Tulim
GazelleGames News - Donation Request
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we have been unable to contact the person in charge of our funds. Some of you may have noticed some downtime recently, and that is due to an overdue invoice with a provider. The provider has agreed to an extension but that expires in around 24 hours.
I really didnt want to make this post as I dont want to be "that site" asking for donations, but were stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. We are in need of 342 euros or the site+tracker+DB server goes offline and may be wiped. Please send me (Artifaxx) a PM or send a staff PM and we will provide an address for BTC donations.
We do not plan on this being a reoccurring issue. Once the staffer returns, we will make changes to how funds are handled so that this doesnt happen again.
--Arti <3
deleted News
@ICO - maybe the problem was already solved ...
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