各位,为期两月的考核已经过了一半多,后台数据显示仍有不少岛民还未过考,现提醒下这部分会员,本站官方对 这次初考的态度是认真的、严肃的、坚决的,考核若无法通过,清理也是肯定的,所以还请珍惜在岛上的机会,剩 下的时间请积极应对本次考核,用心点还是来得及,日后上岛的窗口只会越关越小。已过考的也请不要掉以轻心, 考核时间未到就都是在期间内,参加菠菜应量力而行,所谓“小撸怡情,大撸伤身,强撸灰飞烟灭”,适量就好, 娱乐下就好。

Members of the two-month assessment has been more than half of the background data show that there are still many islanders have not yet test, it is now reminded that this part of the official site of the initial examination of the attitude is serious, serious , Determined, if the assessment can not pass, clean up is also sure, so please cherish the opportunity on the island, the rest of the time, please actively respond to this assessment, the heart is still too late, the future of the island window will be more off small. Has been tested also please do not be taken lightly, the assessment time is not to be in the period, to participate in spinach should be able to do so, the so-called "small line Yiqing, big line and wounded, strong line gray ashes", the amount of like, entertainment Just fine
Words, you encourage each other ~ ~ ~