Suntem in cautare de voluntari ce vor sa ajute pentru a mentine / ridica proiectul ce va inlocui TMD (developeri, designeri, releaseri, traducatori, testeri). Scrieti in chat persoanelor responsabile. Atentie, lucru pe baza de voluntariat nu se plateste! Daca faci - ai, daca nu faci - nu ai. E simplu prieteni.
- Comunitatea este in constructie asteptam sugetii si propuneri

We are looking for volunteers to help maintain / raise the project that will replace TMD (developers, designers, releases, translators, testers). Chat in the responsible people. Attention, volunteer work is not paid! If you do, if you do not - you do not. He's simple friends.
- The community is under construction and we are waiting for suggestions and suggestions