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Post By jimmy7
FIFA 18 is another Denuvo-powered game that has also been cracked in less than a day
Things are definitely not looking good for all publishers using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. Yesterday we informed you about Total War: WARHAMMER 2 getting cracked in due time. And today, another Denuvo-powered game has been cracked in record time, and that’s no other than EA Sports’ latest soccer, FIFA 18.
As with Total War: WARHAMMER 2, FIFA 18 is among the fastest Denuvo-powered games that have been cracked. In fact, it’s been less than a day, something that should worry publishers we are using Denuvo in order to keep their games protected for at least the first couple of days (or for their first week).
Electronic Arts has removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech from Mass Effect: Andromeda so it will be interesting to see whether it will also remove it from FIFA 18.
What also has become crystal clear – with these two releases – is that the latest version of the Denuvo anti-tamper tech is simply unable to protect the games that are using it. Not only that, but publishers are losing money as a respectable amount of PC gamers are boycotting games that use the Denuvo anti-tamper tech.
Whether this will be the end of Denuvo or whether it will force the company to issue a new version that has not been cracked yet remains to be seen!
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