Dear Users!

Recently, we get a lot of messages / emails about what can be done if the acc has been banned. In most cases, it is about H & R, but many of the black queues have come to fruition. Here's a little help, because unfortunately many people do not read the Rules.

H & R = Whoever downloads the downloaded torrent after minimum 2 (for Master Rank 1) hours does not keep in seed, Hit & Run will commit the offense and will accordingly warn "reward"!

3 warn = ban

Blackjack = The system scores users over 20! The check takes place on 1st and 15th of each month. Anyone who has 3 checks over his or her debts will still be 20 and will be promptly banned!

So there are 3 black points = ban

You can also reduce the warning level and black point, even with DL points.
Reduction of warning level = 5,000 DL points
Reduce blackboard = 7.500 DL points

By clicking IDE, you can access the menu, but you can find it by clicking "DL points" next to the numbers, beside the laughs and check out buttons, right.

Only reduce it once you've been punished!

We hope we can help!

Hi. DL Team