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Post By Hazzelnut
DanishBits News
Then the time has come for a Halloween competition here at DanishBits. It's all about simplicity that you take a picture of your pumpkin. On the image there must be a paper with your username, which validates that the pumpkin you post is actually also made by you. If you have not done that, the picture is not valid and you will not be able to participate in winning the prizes. There are prizes for the 4 best pumpkins and all usb's users are allowed to vote on who has made the best pumpkin in a vote that we hold shortly after 10 November.
The competition ends November 10th. You must post your picture here in the thread before.
Your picture must be uploaded to the db bucket: dbbucket.php
1. Prize: 3 months VIP
2. Prize: 1 month VIP
3. Prize: 2 weeks VIP
4. Prize: 1 week VIP
At the same time, an additional 10,000 bonus points will be drawn to ONE lucky user who posts a pic of his pumpkin. So you just have to participate in order to win this prize. In the picture there must be a paper with your username and year on which validate that the pumpkin you post is actually also made by you
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