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Post By CappyTempo
Hello everyone
The Cyber-suk informs you that as of 24/6/17
The new website address is: https://www.cyber-souk.net
The site script, now obsolete, has been completely modified and improved our encoder Claude33 we thank
for his great job.
all data until 06/22/17 7:00 were transferred.
(Members torrents, forum ...)
Registered members since that date will have to reregister and reposted torrents.
It may be that the first login password is not recognized. If that is the case, thank you
to request a new one on the log page.
Regarding your torrents, simply change the ad tk adding the "s" http
To do this, right-click the file in your torrent client,
go under ownership made the change.
Which should give https://www.cyber-souk.net/announce.php?xyz(chiffre specific to each).
For torrents uploaded after 06.21.2017 7:00, thank you to upload kindly to repost or contact the staff.
If you have important messages in your mail, thank you to save, they do
will not be imported to the new site.
We look forward to seeing you on the new Souk and expect your comments or any questions.
Do not hesitate to contact the staff.
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