
  好多光棍HD.GG(中国高清网)从成立至今已经整整3年,网站一直以分享快乐为宗旨,积极努力打造中 国最宽松的高清分享平台,成为广大高清迷分享、交流的平台。

  好多光棍HD.GG(中国高清网)成立之初,有幸得到了高清网站长的支持与鼓励。几年来,程序的开发、 维护、服务器、带宽的投入,都依附捐赠会员的付出与帮助。平台从一台服务器到整台机柜,从国内迁移至国外, 以及黑客攻击,数据丢失,经历了几多波折,但一直坚持了下来!好多光棍HD.GG(中国高清网)的成长也离 不开每一位会员的付出和支持。

  今年,因为国家政策,被迫放弃了建站之初使用的网站名称“中国高清网”和CNHD.com域名,并且准 备开始封闭式运作。关闭所有新会员加入(除捐赠会员及VIP会员外,其它等级会员的邀请功能将被关闭),关 闭所有商务合作。由于封闭运作会给网站带来许多困难,如何在封闭运作的模式下,给现有的会员提供更多资源、 更长效、更快的下载,让大家有个更稳定的交流平台,管理组通过对23.net爱上蓝光的几个月运营、硬件测 试、数据分析,决定在HD.GG启动建立中国最大的高清资源库(预计500TB数据),包含所有小组的蓝光 原盘、重编码1080p、720p资源(含电影、电视剧、综艺等),2G独享线路永久保种、永不断种。但由 于此次建立资源库需要购买的硬件数量较大,管理组内部无法募集到所需资金,决定向大家公开募捐购买服务器硬 件的费用。

  这次的募捐采取完全自愿的方式,捐款金额没有任何限制,无论多少都是一份真挚的心意、都是对好多光棍H D.GG(中国高清网)的支持。同时,捐助达到一定数额,网站也将为其赠送邀请码、魔力值、上传量,详情见 公告底部。募捐所得款项将全部公开使用,若有多余出来的金额,作为以后平台服务器的后备资金(数据越多所需 的服务器就越贵),若此次募集的费用不足,将压缩服务器配置,每一笔费用都会用在论坛的运营和发展上。所有 款项使用、支出情况和余额将会定期公布。

为了便于回馈捐助会员及使募捐更加透明。本次募捐付款方式将通过淘宝网购买捐赠链接的方式进行 。






链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 1ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 30ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 50ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

捐赠100元(可获赠捐赠图标、永久双倍魔力值状态、开放邀请功能、10枚邀请码、500G上 传量)
链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 100ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

捐赠200元(可获赠捐赠图标、永久双倍魔力值状态、6个月VIP会员,开放邀请功能、30枚邀请码、1T 上传量、5万魔力值)
链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 200ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

捐赠500元(可获赠捐赠图标、永久双倍魔力值状态、1年VIP会员、开放邀请功能、100枚邀请码、3T 上传量、15万魔力值)
链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 500ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

捐赠1000元(可获赠捐赠图标、永久双倍魔力值状态、永久VIP会员、开放邀请功能、300枚邀请码、1 0T上传量、30万魔力值)
链接:ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 1000ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

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Public collections notice!

Many bachelor HD.GG (Chinese HD Network) from its inception has been a full three years, the site has been to share the joy for the purpose, and actively strive to build China's most liberal definition sharing platform, a vast number of HD fans to share and exchange platform.

Many bachelor HD.GG (Chinese HD Network) was first established, was fortunate to receive a high-definition site long support and encouragement. In recent years, program development, maintenance, servers, bandwidth inputs are dependent on donations to help pay and membership. Platform from one server to the entire cabinet, from domestic migration to foreign countries, as well as hacker attacks, data loss, experienced how many twists and turns, but has persevered! Many bachelor HD.GG (China HD network) is also inseparable from the growth of each and every member of the dedication and support.

This year, because of national policy, was forced to give up the establishment of the station at the beginning of use of the domain name "Chinese HD Network" and CNHD.com domain, and ready to begin operating behind closed doors. Close all new members (except members and VIP members donated, the other class members' invitation feature will be turned off), turn off all business cooperation. Closed due to operational sites will bring many difficulties, how to operate in a closed mode, to existing members to provide more resources, but also long-lasting, faster downloads, so that we have a more stable platform for the exchange, management group By 23.net love blue a few months operation, hardware testing, data analysis, decision to build China's largest HD.GG start HD repository (expected 500TB data), contains all the group's original Blu-ray disc, re-encoding 1080p , 720p resources (including movies, drama, variety, etc.), 2G exclusive line permanent conservation, never been kind. However, due to the establishment of the repository will need to purchase a large amount of hardware, internal management group could not raise the necessary funds, we decided to purchase public collections server hardware costs.

The fundraising take a completely voluntary manner, donation amount without any restrictions, no matter how many are a sincere heart, are the many bachelor HD.GG (China HD network) support. Meanwhile, donors up to a certain amount, the site will also be presented for its invitation code, Mana, upload content, detailed announcement at the bottom. All fundraising proceeds will be publicly available, if the excess out of the amount of the reserve for future funding platform server (servers needed more data more expensive), if the cost of raising enough to compress the server configuration, each fee will be used in the operation and development forums. All payments use, expenditures and balances will be published periodically.

In order to facilitate feedback donor members and make donations more transparent. The donation payment will donate link Taobao buy manner.

Fundraiser Time: 16 July 2013 21 July 2013

Donation process:

1, noted in the amount you want to donate, click the link below to jump to the product page Taobao, then immediately buy (unlimited number).

2, in the "where the district / service", "game account" two columns fill in your lot bachelor HD.GG (Chinese HD Network) account
(For the administrator for your account add donations feedback)

3, the successful payment is complete donor, while the administrator within 48 hours for your account to add add donations feedback.

Donate one yuan
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 1ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 30 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent status)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 30ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 50 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent status, 200G upload content)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 50ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 100 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent state of open invitation feature, 10 invitation code, 500G upload content)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 100ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 200 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent state, six months VIP member, open invitation feature, 30 invitation code, 1T upload content, 50000 Mana)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 200ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 500 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent status, 1 year VIP membership open invitation feature, 100 invitation code, 3T upload content, 150000 Mana)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 500ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø

Donated 1,000 yuan (receive a donation icon, double Mana permanent status, permanent VIP member, open invitation feature, 300 invitation code, 10T upload content, 300000 Mana)
Link: ºÃ¶à¹â¹÷ HD.GG £¨Öйú¸ßÇåÍø£© 1000ÔªÁ´½Ó-ÌÔ±¦Íø