3级置顶为官方原盘组、官方DIY组发布及完结的剧集大包(不管几集只要是完结的,官方小组均为3级置顶) ;
3级置顶必须包含“CHDBtis”后缀,官方小组包括:CHDTV CHDHKTV OneHD StBOX;
2级置顶为特邀萌盘组、官方压制组、官方录制组、官方IPAD组、官方3D组、官方音轨组、Re mux组;
发布新资源时,相应置顶已满,则做对应的降级处理,降掉发布时间长的为2级,2级发布时间长的 降为1级,1 级发布时间长的降为普通。

Google Translation:

In order to improve the Zhiding, landscaping interface, so that the home is more refreshing, more intuitive to this standard, hope the implementation of this standard Zhiding management.
3 level Zhiding official disk group, the official DIY group release and the end of the drama package (regardless of the set as long as the end, the official group are 3 Zhiding);
3-level set-tops must contain the "CHDBtis" suffix, the official group include: CHDTV CHDHKTV OneHD StBOX;
Official Zhidu group, the official recording group, the official IPAD group, the official 3D group, the official track group, Remux group;
1 Zhiding for other official recording, the station station to suppress cooperation group, dead species resurrection and other kinds of resources;
PS: 3 set top 5, 2 set the top 10. 1 set the top limit of 15.
Release the new resources, the corresponding Zhiding is full, then do the corresponding downgrade processing, drop the release time for the long 2, 2 release time down to a long, 1 release time down to normal.
Such as three tops less than 5, can enhance the top two or a top Zhiding official resources to 3 or 2;

Note: And whoever understood this, will rightfully take my place in the news team.