========== CHDBits管理组 ==========

Year end assessment is just around the corner. It will be carried out from 15th of November 2013 till 15th of January, 2014.

a) rules:

1) Target: "Crazy User" AND below who registered before 1st July 2013

2) Period: From 15th November 2013, 12am till 15th January 2014 11:59pm (61 days)

3) Requirement: As usual, users should increase the following figures accordingly during this period:

a) increase upload by 45GB
b) increase download by 45GB (excluding promotional/free/discount torrent)
c) increase bonus point by 5000 point

Remarks: To pass the test, You should meet and maintain these three criteria till the end of assessment period.

4) Members not affected by this assessment:

a) Yellow star member (donors)
b) "Insane user" class and above
c) members with more than 15TB upload (or more) OR 600K (or more) of bonus point before the assessment begins

b) result:

Result will be announced on the 16th of January, 2014. Please keep an eye on the announcement board.

c) remarks:

1) You're required to go thru and fulfill the assessment's requirement if there's a "progress indicator" on the main page of the site.

2) Parked account is NOT exempted from the assessment. You're required to unpark and join the assessment if your user level / stat meets the criteria.

3) Again, to pass the test, you should meet all (three) criteria when you hit the deadline, regardless of how you manipulate your statistics.

for example:
when the assessment begins, you have 600GB upload, 400GB download, and 20k bonus point.
On the 15th of January 2014, you should have more than 645GB upload, 445GB download and 25k bonus point under your belt.

iv - CHDBits admin team reserves the right of final interpretation of all the rules of this assessment.

==========CHDBits Staffs ==========






1) 上传增量:达到45G;
2) 下载增量:达到45G(不含促销种子的免费或折扣下载量);
3) 魔力值增量:达到5000点(不含已用于兑换的魔力值点数)。



1) 标记有黄星的捐助会员;
2) “中烧”及以上级别会员;
3) 在2013年11月14日24点前,上传量≥15T 或魔力值≥60万 的“中烧”以下级别会员。




1) 是否处于考核范围以有无显示“考核进度条”为准,如果处于考核范围的,“考核进度提示”在本站首页可以看到 。

2) 符合被考核条件的已封存会员也要接受考核,请在考核之前及时解除自己的封存状态,想办法参加考 核。

3) 本次考核的三个指标均为增量,即等于考核结束时数据量减去考核开始时数据量,且这三个指标必须在2014年 1月15日24点全部达标方为考核通过!
考核过程中,无论该会员如何兑换魔力,但在2014年1月15日24点,该会员必须达到如下数据方可算考核 过关:上传量≥645G,下载量≥445G,魔力值≥25000。
