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Post By Tulim
Campaign against illegal film streams: US prosecutors make parents afraid
Together with the US film industry, 15 prosecutors have launched a campaign against illegal streaming sites. The most important thing to be addressed is parents.
A new campaign in the US to point to the risks of illegal film and serial streams . A total of 15 prosecutors warn in short video clips that the visit of such a site hackers the opportunity to inject malware on the computer. Obviously, parents are to be targeted in the course of the campaign. In the clip, children can be seen as they are monitored by a hacker after a webcam is viewed by webcam.
Menaceous musical background
The videos are underlined with music, which should underline the threat. In addition, every prosecutor says the same thing: "Nowadays, everyone has to worry about cybersecurity. Hackers are always looking for new ways to penetrate our computers. Already simple things like visiting an illegal streaming site can endanger your computer. "
Cooperation with the film industry
The clips recall the controversial "Piracy. It's a crime. ", Which was released in 2004 by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America). The clips were mostly on DVDs to see and could not be skipped. This campaign is also supported by a lobbying organization, the Digital Citizens Alliance (DCA). This non-profit organization is officially recognized for more Internet security, represents in many areas, such as illegal streams, but also the interests of the film industry.
Nevertheless, the spots, although strongly exaggerated, point to a real problem - at least according to a study by the DCA. According to this, visitors to websites that offer illegal streams and torrents are exposed to the 28-fold risk of being infected with malware. In half of the cases, the installation goes unnoticed in the background. This problem is also due to the fact that the operators of these platforms place significantly lower demands on advertisers than other providers.
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