BrokenStones turns 13 years old! Yes, the infancy is over, we are teenagers now!

We are happy to celebrate our birthday with our members who make this place so great.

We also want to say congratulations to dry201 on his 3000+ uploaded torrents. A stunning achievement. Thank You!

Let's get the party started! We will have 3 days of Sitewide Freeleech for the celebration!

The event will start Today and will end on July 4, 2017 @ ≈midnigth site time (UTC). Note: ALL Torrents uploaded before this announcement are Freeleech! ALL Torrents uploaded after this announcement are Freeleech! Neutral Leech torrents will remain Neutral Leech. Torrents will return to their previous leech status after this event ends. Torrents uploaded during the event will revert to Normal Leech after this event ends.

Please make sure to check that torrents are listed as Freeleech on the torrent browse page, and keep a close watch on your data (especially during the beginning and ending of the Freeleech).

BS Staff