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Post By Hazzelnut
Blutopia News
HitRun / Warning System
Members Of Blutopia,I am making this News Article to make you are that out Warning System and HitRun System will be going live in the 48-72 Hours. Now as you know Blutopia has had our Hit&Run rules in place which is as follows.
Hit and Run
Every torrent is required to be seeded for at least 7 complete days or 168 hours after it has been completely downloaded from the site.
There is a grace period of 3 sequential days to be disconnected. Once that
grace period has ended, and if the torrent has not yet been seeded for 7 complete days or 168 hours in total,
it will result in 1 active warning for the user. (if the user is aware ahead of time that they will be unable to fix any VALID issue within the 3 day "grace period", they can contact a staff member for further help)
Once a user has gotten an active warning, it will remain active for a period of 14 days before it goes away.
Once a user has 3 active warnings, his or her account will be permanently banned.
That being said, there are alot of users that are not respecting these very simple rules. And so now the time has come for us to bring the system to life in which alot of members will be AutoBanned. I am giving this 48-72 hour notice to give those members a heads up. If you goto your profile, scroll to bottom and then click history tab you will see somthing like so.
Any of you with 3 or more of these where the time is RED(not met 7 days) AND the UPDATED column is 3 days or greater will be perminatly banned per rules by our new launching Warning / HitRun System. As per the rules : Once a user has 3 active warnings, his or her account will be permanently banned.
If you value your account I suggest starting to reseed those that have not met 7 days.
On your profile you will see something like this.
In this example I have 1 active warning on my Account due to a torrent I did not seed for 7 days seedtime. This warning will last 14 days before auto removed by system. Once you get a warning thats that. Theres no reseeding the torrent to get it removed. You get a warning, you wait the 14 days.
If you reach three active warnings you are permantly banned and auto emailed with a reson why. The rules are simple. Dont be a !*#%*$ and seedback what you download. A torrent being Freeleech does not mean it is exempt from H&R rules!
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