Important: changes and additions on the tracker

Dear users,
We would like to inform you about a number of changes.

More than three years, there were no changes in tariff, respectively the current currency rates, commissions, payment systems, etc.
With 18.06.14 under "donations" is updated price lots, now you can calculate the cost and choose the payment method by using the "Calculator" Poŝnika. The good news: starts to act on a permanent basis, "win-win" is based on the play "bones" where you will not be able to play, but can win x 2 to the acquired lot details/rules-directly in the game.

For users who have excess bonuses "coins", as well as just for hazardous people there so called "Deceit" =) Simulator "one-armed bandit".

All features are available from the personal menu (under avatar).

So, on fixed some bugs related to the Russian names of albums and adding images into existing albums named in the Cyrillic alphabet. Now it is even easier to upload images.

Thank you for being with us!