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Post By CappyTempo
In order to increase the level of security changed to https protocol, at the same time we would like to inform you that
our online cinema - Cinema Bigilt from today is available for all.Cinema Bigilt available hereWe would like to encourage voluntary grants.
The vast majority of payments are made by the same users, the quantity of natural causes shrinking.
This situation is increasingly difficult to maintain our website and make payments related to this.
Being honest with you directly ... and writing in small steps closer is the moment in which our tracker will be closed.
Therefore, we decided to also encourage you to you and has made their bit for the common good.
In this way, you help us to function without major problems, in the present situation any amount counts.Each person has the opportunity to subsidize strengthen your account certain privileges:
- having the Varna improve their situations
- warn will be automatically removed
- receive protection against H & R which will be exempted from seeding
- receive a donor star and the recognition of crew
- other perks according to the tableYou can make grants hereThe crew Bigilt
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