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Thread: BeyondHD News

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    BeyondHD News(Donation System Update )

    We are changing how our Donor rewards systems works.

    Effective immediately we are simplifying the rewards provided for donating.

    For every US dollar or equivalent donated you will get 1,400 bonus points and be given Donation Status for 3 days.

    Payments via Bitcoin will get an extra 100 bonus points, making 1,500 bonus points per $US equivalent.

    NOTE: Donations until the end of the month will go to FraMeSToR to fund UHD releases.

    You may use your bonus points to purchase your choice of Upload credit, Invites or to remove your HNR's. You can view what your bonus points can purchase HERE

    To keep the system in balance i have reduced the cost of clearing a HNR down to 3,500 bonus points.

    We currently accept donations in Euros(€), US Dollars(US$) Australian Dollars($A) and bitcoin (BTC).

    The site historically was created to record donations in $US dollars but currently, the majority of our costs are in euro's, so we would prefer payment in euro's if possible. However, please use whatever currency from above that is convenient for you. eg. If you are in USA pay in $US. Currently, US$10 = €8.30 and €10 = US$11.50 Based on your donation and current exchange rate we generally round to the nearest $USD and credit your rewards accordingly.

    What is Donation Status?

    Donation Status entitles you to the following;

    1) Your account will be flagged with our sparkling donor stars as a thank you for your donation.
    2) You get immunity from being suspended for HNR's.
    3) You get immunity from being suspended for Inactivity.
    4) Ability to request reseeds and torrents, regardless of your user class.
    5) Ability to edit your own shouts, view chat history and NFOs, regardless of your user class.
    6) Ability to delete your own torrents and delete your own torrent comments, regardless of your user class.
    7) Ability to play site games (casino and blackjack).

    Donation Status DOES NOT;

    1) Stop you from accumulating HNR's, it just prevents you from being immediately suspended for them. You must still meet our minimum seeding rules. If you have 5 or more HNR's when your donor status ends your account will be immediately suspended.
    2) Give you immunity from being download disabled or suspended for a ratio below our minimum of 0.1.

    What are the donations used for?

    All donations are used to fund the site infrastructure. No profits are made from the site. I have just increased the total $USD amount represented in the donation bar at the top of the site to US$500.

    Donations can be made via PayPal or Bitcoin. If you are making donations greater than US$100 please contact staff for additional instructions.

    Please can you also include your Username in a note along with the donation, that way we can link your donation to your account. Better still if you can message us HERE

    To discuss donations and to obtain the Paypal and Bitcoin Wallet addresses go to this Forum Topic

    PLEASE NOTE: Various aspects of the site will need to be updated over the coming week to reflect the changes.
    Last edited by MindHunter; 10-27-2017 at 04:15 AM.

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  1. 10-27-2017, 04:52 AM
  2. 10-27-2017, 04:44 AM

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