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Post By Tulim
Post By Hazzelnut
BeyondHD News
Please congratulate all our Staff members who have been promoted lately and praise them for the selfless hard work they perform here.
Top of the list is InspireHD who has been promoted to Sysop. LB10 has been promoted to Admin, Elaysa promoted to Mod. Dariss has joined the team as Moderator and developer. We are all volunteers and your time and effort are appreciated. Thanks, all staff for their hard work.
Also please give Stripe a big welcome he has joined FraMeSToR as a Remuxer.
Congratulate them here.
As BeyondHD grows it needs people that can offer friendly support and advice to the users for the best experience a user can have at BeyondHD. There are still positions available if you are interested please read this forum post
We are always looking for new internal groups/encoders/remuxers if you are interested please contact staff.
Also we are aware there are still a number of minor bugs on the site relating to the new tracker and how statistics appear on the site. Please bear with us we are looking at solutions as fast as possible with our limited resources.
Can I also please ask everyone to use the https://beyond-hd.me domain, not the XYZ domain. The XYZ domain is only meant to be a backup domain and we intend to remove it shortly and resurrect it only if the main site goes down.
BeyondHD News
Please congratulate all our Staff members who have been promoted lately and praise them for the selfless hard work they perform here.
Top of the list is InspireHD who has been promoted to Sysop. LB10 has been promoted to Admin, Elaysa promoted to Mod. Dariss has joined the team as Moderator and developer. We are all volunteers and your time and effort are appreciated. Thanks, all staff for their hard work.
Also please give Stripe a big welcome he has joined FraMeSToR as a Remuxer.
Congratulate them here.
As BeyondHD grows it needs people that can offer friendly support and advice to the users for the best experience a user can have at BeyondHD. There are still positions available if you are interested please read this forum post
We are always looking for new internal groups/encoders/remuxers if you are interested please contact staff.
Also we are aware there are still a number of minor bugs on the site relating to the new tracker and how statistics appear on the site. Please bear with us we are looking at solutions as fast as possible with our limited resources.
Can I also please ask everyone to use the https://beyond-hd.me domain, not the XYZ domain. The XYZ domain is only meant to be a backup domain and we intend to remove it shortly and resurrect it only if the main site goes down.
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