Staff notice:
I have re-opened invites. To be eligible for an invite, you must be a Power User class or above, and must satisfy one of these conditions:
Be actively seeding 30 non-freeleech torrents. (Golden torrents do NOT count.)
Have uploaded 3 original torrents in the last six months. (Re-uploading old torrents does NOT count.)
In your post, state clearly how you qualify for an invite, and that you are inviting someone you consider trustworthy.
For example, "I am currently seeding 40 torrents and would like to request an invite for a friend."
Guidelines about using invites:
-- Do not ask for an invite if you already have one, or used your last invite in the last 2 months.
-- Only invite people you know and can trust. Do not invite random people just because they ask.
-- You should not be trading invites because that means you are giving invitations to strangers.
-- If you invite someone who later cheats, you will permanently lose invite privileges.
To see if you received an invite, check your profile page.