with better hardware.

ADC is moving to another datacenter. We're closed (temporarily) while the search for a better home is underway. If you are aware of a good datacenter for sites like ours, please let us know! And if you're friends with someone who might have an idea, please ask them on our behalf. Our email address is asiandvdclub@i2pmail.org. In case you need to communicate privately, here is our GPG public encryption key.

The good news is that we'll have better hardware at our new datacenter. With enough disk space to host images. We already moved dozens of gigabytes of your imageshack-hosted content to our own storage.

Lots of ADCers are idling on our chat channel on the Rizon IRC network. Come join the silent herd; just visit this webchat and fill in the channel name (#asiandvdclub) and your nickname, and click connect.

We'll keep this page updated as more news develops.